9/25/2016 mcHF v0.5 (pre-soldered) -- Copied from paper memo on 10/2/2016. Vi=-70dBm (-50dBm at miniVNA pro with -20dB PAD) Mode: USB 2.5kHz BPF Vi: carrier setting of miniVNA -20dB pad. Carrier: mcHF's dBm meter reading. S: Old school S-meter S9+3 means S9 plus 3 dot. S20+1 means +20dB plus 1 dot. Image: mcHF's dBm meter reading with 0/0 Setting. Bal./Phase: mcHF's setting for null-audio. (And resulting S-meter reading) Start : temp sensor 42.0degC Freq[MHz] Vi[dBm] Carrier[dBm] Image[dBm](S) Bal. Phase 3.650 -70 -72 (S9+3) -112 (S4.75) -11 -9 (S4.0) 3.650 -60 -60 (S20+1) -96 (S7.5) -30 -12 (S4.0) 5.250 -70 -69 (S9+3) -108 (S5.5) -18 -15 (S4.0) 7.100 -70 -71 (S9+3) -108 (S5.5) -25 -15 (S3.5) 10.100 -70 -70 (S9+3) -103 (S6.5) -35 -18 (S3.5) 14.100 -70 -72 (S9+3) -103 (S6.5) -49 -24 (S4.0) 18.110 -70 -70 (S9+3) -100 (S7.0) -67 -34 (S3.0) 21.200 -70 -72 (S9+3) -101 (S7.0) -76 -36 (S3.25) 24.930 -70 -71 (S9+3) -101 (S7.0) -82 -40 (S3.0) 28.500 -70 -71 (S9+3) -99 (S7.5) -85 -56 (S3.0) End : temp sensor 43.8degC Observation: - Null setting drifts from cold start (~27degC) to settled temp sensor reading (42degC) for about 10 to 20. - Null setting has amplitude dependence. (See 3.650MHz) - After getting null audio, you can still hear the image by changing tuning frequency by 100Hz(*1) or so. - At normal operation, there's no noticeable difference for about plus minus 20 settings. Band has to be crowded to notice some difference. - After 28MHz, I went back 7MHz and 14MHz and got the same results. *1) My paper memo is unclear if this was 100Hz or 1KHz or 10Hz, And I already forgot what it was.... ;; EOF